
U23DThis is a quick post to let you know that I plan to go see the U23D Imax 3-D spectacle at the Cinemark Imax theater in CS this weekend. I’ll post a review after I’ve seen it, but for now, this is what the website says…

The first digital, 3D, multi-camera, real-time production, the film was brought to life by 3ality Digital, who shot over 100 hours of footage with the largest collection of 3D camera technology every used on a single project.

According to reviews, the technical achievements alone are stunning. Apparently this is the first film ever to use ALL of the world’s 3D cameras for a single project.

Stay tuned…

Okay…here’s my review: WOW! It is difficult to describe the visual impact of the 3D effects in this film. From the opening titles to the final credits, this film pulls you in and doesn’t let you go. At times you’re flying above the stage, standing next to Bono, and jumping along with the crowd. And all the while the music is pure U2…with all the energy of a live stadium crowd for extra punch. Front row seats can’t offer this kind of visual intimacy. This really is a film that any student of media should see. Of course it doesn’t hurt if you are a fan of U2. Don’t miss this one…it’s at the Cinemark IMAX theater on the northeast side of Colorado Springs.
