Misogynistic Hip-Hop Lyrics: What’s the Big Deal?

In class today we discussed the prevalence of misogynistic lyrics in rap and hip-hop music. Unfortunately we didn’t have enough time to hear from more than a few of you, and I’m curious about what others think about this issue. To rephrase the issue, is it okay for popular rap and hip-hop artists to denigrate women? If so, are women paying a price for accepting attitudes and images that reduce them to sex objects and second-class citizens? And if not, why do people defend the music and the musicians that perpetrate these images? Before you weigh in, watch this five minute video on YouTube:


Before posting a reply remember that this is not a forum to attack a culture, subculture, ethnic group or individuals belonging to any group. Keep your comments civil and attack the issues…not other posters.

47 Replies to “Misogynistic Hip-Hop Lyrics: What’s the Big Deal?”

  1. This type is music is popular, which makes it for rappers not to make their lyrics/music with such degrading words. Im not going to lie, i listen to songs with degrading lyrics in them but with those types of songs, i listen to the beat rather then the words. Some people are always going to be offended with misogynistic lyrics but its somewhat of a never ending war, rappers are goiing to keep doing what makes them money and what the people want to listen to.

  2. Personally, I feel that rappers are always going to do whats popular, and if misogynistic lyrics are included in that, then its going to keep happening. But I also feel that these lyrics aren’t necessarily that bad because women are equal in today’s society and this music doesn’t change that. This music is for entertainment, all music is, and I don’t think that these lyrics are going to single-handedly revert American society to before the Seneca Falls Convention. I’m not saying that this type is discrimination is necessarily any different from other forms of discrimination, but I am saying that America has a whole has moved past this issue and the small amount of discrimination that is out there (in a few rap songs) aren’t going to change things. As a whole, men and women are equal in America, and I do not think any steps should be taken to stop the creative expression of rappers.

  3. I personally feel theres two kinds of rap… One is full of lyrical content and has a message or tells a story through the eyes of what the artist lived and the other is just made for parties and clubs. As far as downgrading women and violence i think you have to put it in context before you can start judging. I personally dont think its right to generalize it to all women because in all reality some women are and act how they are portrayed in music and as long as women are involoved in music videos where they are portrayed as objects then there wont be any change and if women dont like it they should start there. As long as sex sells its going to continue as well as people buying the music with strong lyrical content.

  4. I personally feel theres two kinds of rap… One is full of lyrical content and has a message or tells a story through the eyes of what the artist lived and the other is just made for parties and clubs. As far as downgrading women and violence i think you have to put it in context before you can start judging. I personally dont think its right to generalize it to all women because in all reality some women are and act how they are portrayed in music and as long as women are involoved in music videos where they are portrayed as objects then there wont be any change and if women dont like it they should start there. As long as sex sells its going to continue as well as people buying the music with strong lyrical content.

  5. i fully agree with the above comment by Dom, although Hip Hop has many obscene lyrics, it speaks the truth. Now I agree some hip hop is dumb and pointless and lies. “I shot 5 guys, got a chick pregnant, and made it rain at the strip club”. I’m getting tired of hearing the same thing. I enjoy the lyris that are actually speaking about something real. And many people dont get that at all. Hip Hop is more than words and lyrics, people have to listen for real to understand

  6. Although I cannot disagree with the video about how hip hop music is perceived through some people eyes I can put a light onto the stuff that hip hop does that people don’t notice. Hip hop as vulgar as some of the lyrics may be is based on true things either people have experienced or childhood in general. Many people that have not grown up that way probably don’t understand a lot of the things they hear they just like it. Like the guy at the end says “it’s his style”. But there are some things that music and hip hop does that isn’t no negative and I know this because I am an artist myself is it lets you have an outlet for the things you have done or seen done in your own personal life. It opens eye to another prospective, because in my music I talk about things I know about whether its relationships, woman in general or the world we live in. And I try and stay away from the negative and the obscenities towards woman because it gives others the right to use them as well.

  7. I can’t not disagree with the statement that we live in a country where men have a need to act out in order to be men. The violence is something that we reinforce on the youth that push them in such violent directions. I think if we don’t teach children the value of certain things like women, life and speech we are going to lose them to this numbness. All movies are action packed now, even the ones that are supposed to be family friendly, transformers, the hulk, spider man, iron man, bat man, all these things are examples. If you aren’t shooting something you aren’t being a true man. The homosexual statements I think is very true in the black community. Media is always in favor of not advertising that way of life because it’s not a part of our image. I have never heard of an openly gay rapper, man or woman, its very hush hush. As far was woman being subjected with the music that we are giving life I see that more in our youth than anything? Kids have sex younger and younger these days and they know way too much too fast and media giving it to them so fast is to blame. Men don’t learn to talk to women crazy by dreaming it up I feel it’s a learned behavior.

  8. Honestly, in rap, I dont think people can even understand the words these guys are saying! It is very degrading to women, but if you believe that someones opinion on how they treat their women, that is very sad. Yes, people may sing a long with it, but do they actually treat their women the same way? I dont believe they do. It’s a song, not a lifestyle. I mean look at Ice T, he sang about hating cops and later in life, he was cast as a detective in Law and Order, SVU. He is happily married and would do anything for his wife. Who says that these rappers really treat the women as bad as their lyrics make it out to be? If you dont like it, dont listen to it and definately dont take it to heart. There is as much degrading lyrics in pop songs from the 90’s, there are a few Backstreet Boys songs that are just as bad as something 50 Cent would say! There just arent as many curse words! The only songs that I know people take in as a part of who they are are the ones that are motivational and speak like its coming from their life experiences. Get over it.

  9. I definitey feel that hip hop music is degrading to women. Although it is degrading I feel that a these artist will only continue to treat us how we allow them to at least to a certain degree. What I mean by this is that everytime a new hip hop song comes out that degrades women, there is multiple women in these videos and there are multiple women that like these songs as well. The thing that I find to be an issue is the fact that the media shapes our lives so what ever we see on the TV we want to mirror. The violence and the sex are things that we want to imagine doing even if they are things that we have engaged in before. I think that with the major influence that the media has on us it is easy to say that hip hop is heavily shaped by it.

  10. I don’t feel it is right for any man to degrade a woman at any time, but that is my personal opinion and something I as a person won’t stand for. Everyone is different and there are some people who might not agree which is fine. I think that degrading women has become more accepted for the past 10-20 years at least (probably more) just because its presence in music, TV and movies. It has become a learned act for our younger generations and only gets worse and worse as the years go by. And because of its influence in the day to day media, women have become more accepting an maybe even believing that they should be treated that way. The inly way to change this learned act would be to change our way of thinking as a whole.

  11. “One thing about music when it hits you, you feel no pain” (Drake) There is fine line between lyrics that are demeaning to women and music that is fun and witty. It’s all about how you say it and how you deliver the product. I love hip hop and I love women. My love for hip hop takes passion to the next level. I mean there are lyrics that seem distasteful to women but at the same time those same women that listen to hip hop quote and sing those lyrics the most. It’s just taken into context on how you receive the message in the song itself. Hip hop is a story told in lyrical form that takes the rappers emotion and let’s itself go so that you can relate to it. Like if I wrote a song about a girl I just met and we ended up in a relationship. The relationship goes well until she breaks up with me. Well from a poetic writer point of view, I’m going to end up calling that girl a “B” word to get my point across that I was hurt. It’s all part of the story that you want to tell and you want to make sure the person listening to the song can relate to it. But in real life I respect her enough not to call her a “B” word due to my love for women because I’m a gentleman. It’s all about the person listening to lyrics and how they interpret it.

  12. I think that Hip Hop helps a lot of adolescents make it through what they’re dealing with. When Hip hop artists start rapping about their lives and things thats happened to them, young audiences relate to the experiences. It always helps to know someone that has gone through the same things that you did. This can sometimes help someone get through hard times. I like hip hop and i can relate to a lot of hip hop artists’ lives. Music can help change society and influence a communities youth.

  13. I love hip hop, and I grew up listening to it all my life. Society has changed and the music has gotten worse every year. I do not endure the lyrics that are sexually undignified and insulting towards women. Over the past years hip hop has increased in the derogatory lyrics towards women, and it seems to be only in this type of genre of music. The one thing I didn’t like about the video was, they directed the insulting lyrics, and the words bitches and hoes towards black women. In the music their not just talking about black women, their talking about all women of all ethnicity. The reason these artists call women these names is because there are certain women that will put themselves out there for them to be called that. I don’t believe that these artists are here talking about the women that go to school and that are educated and have respect for themselves.
    Violence is everywhere, through music, video games and movies. Its real life and I think people need to start opening their eyes to the real world. What we hear and see is reality of what is going on in our world today. Our world is changing, and women shouldn’t let men hold that power to disrespect and let be called these inappropriate names, if there isn’t a change men will find it acceptable and keep being bad-mannered.

  14. I don’t agree with the argument I hear often about misogynistic lyrics in music. I typically hear that it’s okay, because of the first amendment and that those musicians are allowed to express themselves in any way they want. I find it hard to believe that people should be allowed to openly belittle another person just because of what rights they are given. If these musicians are in the public eye, they have the opportunity to uplift people that look up to them, or to tear them down and corrupt them. I feel like if there are lyrics out there that are talking that way about anyone, not just women, then that music is tearing society down. It’s corrupting us to think that it’s okay, because they’re just ‘expressing’ themselves. I’m not worried about this music bothering me, because I don’t listen to it. I could care less what it says. I worry about how it will affect the next generation, and the view that it will give them on society’s norm. If people keep thinking that this is just normal and that the freedom of expression goes beyond the point of being offensive, they will not have as big of an urge to protect their children from it and the children will be affected. If things keep going the way they are with music lyrics and the belittling that goes on, kids will pick up on it and it will happen in their lives. There’s a good chance that they’ll view it as okay to do in school, or at home. I don’t agree with lyrics that are jeopardizing the future of society.

  15. I do not agree with lyrics demeaning females but then again the lyricist is entitled to freedom of speech to express himself.Society has made it acceptable to demean women. Women and men alike purchase these albums and even let their children listen to these vulgar rhymes. Women shouldn’t let men hold that much power over them. They think it is ok that they are in a video but then again sex sells. These women just objective themselves and make it easier for men to call them “hoes” and “easy” etc. Women have to learn to respect themselves and understand that they are important in the world and can make a change.

  16. In no way do I tolerate lyrics that are sexually demeaning and derogatory towards women (or anybody else as well) or condone them, but I’ve also realized that in this particular genre, there is no escaping those sorts of lyrics. It has become the norm in music and society has accepted it for what it is, just like we have in movies, magazines, and television. Also, other music genres sexually degrade women in the same sense, but because hip-hop is such a popular genre, it is more noticeable. As for derogatory names such as “bitch”, “hoe”, etc. I find that it is not okay, but yet again, society has accepted these names as suitable and acceptable to call one another. Also, how should women expect men to treat them with respect when women themselves call each other the same names? Until we as women can respect ourselves enough to not degrade ourselves, men will continue to do so because they find it “acceptable”.

  17. While I don’t agree with the artist’s degradation of women in their music, I don’t know if it’s my place to tell him he can’t. Society would expect us to put a stop to it because we all know that treating women that way isn’t acceptable, but at the same time it’s hard to stop someone who’s toting around “artistic right”. Personally it’s not an avenue of the industry I enjoy, so the best I can do to not support them is not buy into what they’re selling.

  18. I believe that unedited music is how the artist wants his song to be herd. If you start editing artists songs then taking away from the music. To me its like a movie that the rapper is telling through words, and like a producer they dont want to edit their movie so that the view gets the whole message and detail. Also now a days there is an option if you want to get the expict version or the edited version so if you disaporve of what is being said then you can get the edited version which doesnt contain the cursing.

  19. I completely agree with Paul on every aspect. Rap and Hip Pop is not just a musical genre, its an artistic expression that has a long history and tradition. The culture of Rap has consisted of artists that come from poverty, abuse, and criminal backgrounds. They know what they are saying, and know right from wrong. They’re big boys and are mature enough to know explicit lyrics from not. Then again, this is the cultural tradition among the music. They don’t go out in public and yell these things at woman. I do believe what they are saying is wrong, but like Paul I believe if you don’t want to hear it then don’t buy or support their music. The music and lyrics will never change no matter what is said or done. It’s free speech and the best people can do is try and focus on more important things besides; sex, money, and drugs.

  20. Hip-hop music is really about expression. Rappers are speaking about how they grew up, what they saw, and how they perceived it. Now since a lot of rappers are from some of the most poverty stricken and violent parts of America it’s in their nature to give there opinion in a raw and uncut manner. Now it doesn’t make it right, but it also shouldn’t be looked down upon because it’s their art work. If you don’t like it, don’t support it by buying and listening to it.

  21. Alright, some parts of that video upset me, they are always making it out to be that these rappers are talking about women of color. They are talking about women PERIOD! now with that being said, I know for a fact just like anybody else, that some women are out there protraying themselves to be whores and bitches. it is unfair to say that these rappers are talking about the educated women who want more in life and who carry themselves with respect. because how you act is how you get treated. A lot of the violence that is shown in these videos or whatever, is real life, people have a problem with the public seeing it because they are trying to cover up the reality that this type of thing goes on everyday. It happens, it always has and always will. One thing that I will say is that parent who “think” they are sheltering their children, can’t shelter them forever personally i think to a certain extent that sheltering your kid can lead to distruction, because when they grow up they will have no idea whats really going on. And if your not letting them watch something or listen to a certain type of music, please believe me when I say they will hear it or watch it somewhere else.

  22. For one all this talk about the women being disrespected and everyone blaming hip-hop/rap music is very ignorant. Music and drugs has been un music dating back to frank Sinatra? Everyone just likes finding new ways to bring up old issues and blame it on the younger generation. Personally and honestly the hood isnt the best place to grow up and people do glorify it, so yeah people who did come from the hood are going to take on the music period. Get over it its always going to be here and if you dont like the music and you keep talking bad….TURN THE STATION, noone has you listening to it?

  23. What people fail to realize is that rap and hip-hop was first made and is still made for ‘Black’ people, other cultures just took a liking too what goes on in a young black persons life who lives in the hood. People also fail to see that living and growing up in the hood is not all fun and cool like rappers make it seem, people who came from that kind of lifestyle or the ones that where blessed enough to even survive it understand what im trying too say. Everybody has a black friend now-in-days but not every black person came from the hood, find you a black person that came from that lifestyle and really set down and talk with them and if they feel comfortable talking about it ask them how living in that kind of area really is.

  24. On the one hand, I understand how these lyrics degrade women. But I also think that if you don’t consider yourself a b— or a h–, then you have no reason to be offended. Find a song with those lyrics, and watch the music video that goes along with it. What kind of girls do you see in the video? The kind you might find on Jersey Shore perhaps? You can’t put so much importance on Hollywood’s (and the media’s) version of reality. Most guys in the real world know better than to call a girl a b—– to her face, unless they want to get slapped. What we hear in these songs, and what we see on TV, does not represent how we ACTUALLY act in society.

    You can complain about the misrepresentation all you want, but there are always going to be issues like this…(e.g. Why are women always doing the cleaning on cleaning product commercials? Why are women allowing themselves to be objectified by going on a show like Bikini Football, where they run around in bikinis and make a fool of themselves?)…Because the fact of the matter is, this is America. And in America, Entertainment gets first priority. We would rather be entertained than politically correct.

  25. Just like the man in the video mentioned, I love hip-hop music and have grown up listening to it. However, in my opinion, it is not okay for popular rap and hip-hop artists to denigrate women. This topic has been an ongoing issue that has been debated over for years. Music is a large portion of the entertainment industry and one of its roles is to supply the audience with whatever they place as being in high demand. If people listen to, support, and in some cases even idolize popular artists, than whatever they consider to be “a hit” is going to be produced and distributed. In almost every industry, once companies and executives find a gimmick that works, they replicate that same formula until the demand changes its view or desire for that product. As long as audience members continue to become consumed in the songs, labels and their entertainers are going to continue to produce songs with lyrics that degrade women. People defend the music and the musicians that perpetrate these images because it is what they enjoy and want to expose themselves to. Not to mention, a lot of people can benefit and make profits off of the sales of these degrading songs. Everything from lyrics to fashion is duplicated by audience members. We live in a country that allows us the freedom to listen to and say almost anything that we want. In return, we must deal with misuse of those privileges as well as the conflicting views that go along with them.

  26. I personally do not think that it is okay for hip-hop artists to denigrate women. They are the people who are in the eye of the public and setting an example for everyone else, and are giving others the impression that it is okay to do this. Consciously or subconsciously, we hear the messages they are sending out about women. I really believe that it has a negative influence on women and makes them feel like second-class citizens and sex objects. It definitely contributes to making women feel inferior and insecure about their bodies. I am a hip hop dancer for a studio in town, which means that I am not only listening to this music and the lyrics closely, but also dancing to it. Although I do not like the messages they are sending out there, it has become a part of my culture because it is everywhere. Although I dislike how the artists downgrade women so much, it doesn’t make me love dancing to their music any less. It would be amazing to see the impact that these hip-hop artists could make if they made songs that were respectful to women, and encourage women that there is more than one type of beautiful.

  27. There was a comment made in class (and on this video) that a lot of women are not offended by certain lyrics in hip hop because they do not think the lyrics are about them, or they have accepted these types of comments as a part of our society. They argue that since it’s a common part of music today, it’s not a big deal. I, however, do not agree with this. In my opinion, when hip hop artists are allowed to make inappropriate comments about women, it only makes it okay for people in our society to make the same degrading remarks and think of women by those terms. Furthermore, just because something is occurring in society increasingly often does not make it right. Having racial jokes all over the internet doesn’t make racism appropriate, and hip hop artists using derogatory descriptions of women in their lyrics doesn’t make degrading women acceptable. I realize that there is an argument that, “if people don’t like it they don’t have to listen to it,” but the government and the people have the right to control externalities. In my mind, degrading women through hip hop lyrics only contributes to women being degraded in other aspects of our society as well. Therefore, since these lyrics are essentially having a negative impact on our society, I think it makes sense for them to be regulated. Just because they are popular and common does not make them right, and I think it’s important to the mass media in our society to be moral and ethical.

  28. It is not ok for popular rap and hip-hop artists to denigrate women by any means. Many rappers today just refer to women as gold diggers and other condescending names. This has really changed the view of women significantly and now I feel as women are being treated differently by men because of hip-hop’s influence of men today. However, I do feel like if the industry was being dominated by women, and we constantly denigrate men, it would be a bigger issue. I understand the whole first amendment controversy, however, I do think they could tone it down a bit, plus its not contributing to anything beneficial, therefore we can do without it.

  29. this is an issue that to be honest has many differnt variables to explain it’s context. the majority of artist that produce the form or entertainment that is rap music come from a different moral background and set of rules to abide by in everyday life. the fact that they have chosen to shed light on that situation and that culture should be recognized, the way a rapper whould treat a “ho” in the context of his lyrics may not represent that person, but it does reperesent the lifetsyle to which it accompanies. on another defense of this position is that people need to recognize the difference between entertainment and moral value, this type of music has high entainment value, but little to offer other than that, mysoginistic lyrics are all part of the entertainment, if you listen to any of the most popular songs over the last few years many of them have sugestive lyrics to not only the mistreatment of women, but violence, drug use, narcotics trafficing, and many differenet explicitly suggestive lifestyles, does that mean we should all treat women bad, jump your homies, or sell drugs, no :and most people who listen to this type of music are aware of the differences between the entertainment and real life. i believe it is up to interpretation and not necessarily regulation, art can come through various med ia’s.

  30. This issue is one that has been around before and is making an appearance yet again in todays culture. however, in my opinion there should be no issue. Artists are paid to express themeslves and under the first amendment they are also protected from going to far. if women feel degraded by a certain rapper then the solution is simple, don’t listen to him. When you see a movie that you don’t like or feel is insulting you turn the channel so why would music be any different. Also i believe that many do not look fully at the context in which a rapper uses a degrading word such as bitch or hoe. There are several instances when they are not connecting those terms to woman at all, but rather to other rappers, and people in general.

  31. If we look back a couple decades in our society, there was a time when we viewed degrading women as practically a sin. As years progress, especially with certain aspects of the media such as: music recording and movies; our society has found a way to maneuver over the wall of morals and respect towards women. Its understandable that music artists express themselves, and possibly their own experiences through their music; but in no way do i feel that it’s acceptable for either sex to degrade the other in order to get a story or a point across. One thing that everyone has to keep in mind though, is that as times change, so do peoples view towards what is right or wrong. Ultimately, artists are going to say what they please, especially when there are laws such as the first amendment, allowing them to do so. Most women have come to find being called “W”and “B” words in songs as somethings common or normal. Most women even sing along to certain songs that are strictly based on degrading women. So in all reality, women can’t be entirely upset with being degraded and called names because choosing to except that the inevitable of it happening anyways.

  32. In my opinion I think it is perfectly fine for hip hop artists to talk about women like that. it is their job to make music and if that means talking about women they way they do then so be it. they do what they love to do and they make a lot of money doing it. i don’t see what the problem is. if someone doesn’t like what a particular hip hop artist has to say then they don’t have to listen to it. the only reason why women would feel less about themselves is if they actually listened to the music. which if they felt they were being targeted they wouldn’t have to listen to the music.

  33. I don’t think it’s okay for popular artist to degrade women in their lyrics. I don’t think it is necessary for them to do that in order to make good music. However, I think that some people defend artists who do this because what they are saying can be true sometimes. There are women who are “hos” or deserve little respect just like there are also guys who deserve little respect, and that is why they are portrayed this way in music. I just don’t think that it is okay to make this sort of generalization and stereotype all women.

  34. The great thing about living in America is all the freedoms we carry. The first amendment grants people the right of freedom of speech, press, and all that good stuff but another great freedom we, as American’s, hold is the ability of choice. We choose what we listen to and if we find a song to be offensive or in bad taste we can turn it off. True these songs may be offensive but for the most part its just a lot of people trying to capitalize on an industry. Sex and Violence sells so why not utilize it? Its good business–find the consumer interest and utilize it. The more offensive a rapper is the better for sales and if their is controversy with an artist it essentially just gives them free advertising. From a business stand point and the American stand point: if theirs a market for it…utilize it and if that product doesn’t interest you…don’t listen/buy.

  35. When it comes to music, if you don’t like the lyrics then just don’t listen to it. Yes, rap artists are the main group of singers who are sexist towards women and I’m not saying that I’m okay with that… trust me, I’m definitely in disagreement but there is freedom of speech for a reason and this is one of them. They are just expressing their feelings and experiences… they may not always be appropriate or politically correct but its what they want to say. I personally just listen to rap because I like the beat of the music and its fun to dance to.. I usually can’t even understand what they lyrics are anyways so it doesn’t affect me as much as it may others. As a women I am offended by being looked at or called a “bitch” or “hoe” but really, how many times have people tried to get rap artists to clean up their language and not be so sexist and been successful? NONE! So why worry about something that isn’t going to change..? Beside that, like I said YOU DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT…. so if you don’t like it then just DON’T!

  36. This form of music with these lyrics is nothing new to society. I don’t agree with the degrading of women but i understand that it has become part of society itself and will not change. There have been many comments saying that women use these words themselves, but the main place people hear these words is through music. When I was younger I never heard any of these degrading words until I started listening to my older sybling’s cds containing these lyrics. They also feed into the way society displays women as property and a lower class from men. Truly this style of music has become a part of society itself and continues to sell everyday.

  37. ok so here is my opinion on all this, the artists are just trying to epress their views in a way that is going to grab attention. Hearing language addressing women, in a manner that by some is not acceptable, is just another way to get a point across and sell their music. I mean its not like they are directly attacking women specifically through their lyrics. I will say it is annoying to have to try to listen to a song on the radio or an award show, etc., where every other word is bleeped out i’m sure if your making the kind of money you are you can throw in some other language so that it is actually understood. Back to the whole degrated women, they are just doing something that even girl friends do to each other in society today. Selling their music is a number one concern and obviously with the achievements in hip-hop and rap their lyrics are working. Women being refered to as sex objects…hello lets look at the female music videos out there most women ar exploiting themselves, again to sell their music. If you do not like it, do not listn to it!

  38. Personally this issue does not bother me because the simple solution to this would simply be “don’t be with a man who thinks that way”. But it definitely worries me because our younger society (6-15) listening to this music is highly influenced. Although these rappers do have there right to freedom of speech, perhaps they shouldn’t. We often hear people say celebraties are just like other people, meaning people who aren’t famous. But they aren’t. They have the power to influence, to change minds, and to change lifes. People look up to them, no matter what the age. So I think maybe there should be a little bit of an exception to the “freedom of speech” right. It’s just not right for little kids to think they can call a girl the B word or think its cool to be a “ganksta”. Granted they are going to learn that stuff sooner or later, but if I had a child I would without a doubt want it to be later.

  39. This topic should not even be an issue in the world today; these artists are protected by the 1st Amendment and thus have the right to say whatever they desire and express themselves by whatever means they choose. I am sick to death of hearing about how “this is offensive” or “it’s wrong,” if you feel this way don’t listen to the music. It’s that simple; you are not being forced to listen to this music, and you have no right to impose on anyone else’s right to freedom of speech and self-expression. Censoring or attempting to censor artwork or music is Fascist and hypocritical; if something such as rap can be censored or forced to change because you or anyone else is offended, then churches should have to close down and people should not be allowed to wear a crucifix around their neck. I find Christianity highly offensive, it has caused countless thousands of deaths, including starting the Crusades in medieval times. It and other religions similar to it have caused more war, death, and destruction than Rap and Hip-Hop ever could; Christianity and other religions should therefore be censored at least, if not outlawed altogether. My point is, once you begin censoring something because a person or group of meople is offended, soon another person or group will have something else censored, and it will continue this way indefinitely. We as a Nation need to grow up; if you don’t like something dont pay attention to it. Take responsibility for what you expose yourself to, and what you expose your children to, but DO NOT sit on your throne and point your finger at those whom you disagree with.

  40. As a female I don’t think it is okay to degrade women, but we do hear it everywhere. It’s in movies, music, TV shows, and we even hear it from people around us. People do have the right to say these things because of the right to freedom of speech. I have grown up being call many names, but it doesn’t bother me anymore. I know who I am. If people do not like what is being said just don’t buy the music stick to thing that you like but have the understanding that children and adults will still hear and use the language there is no hiding the bad language from people or even getting them to stop.

  41. Well in my opinion about this is, yea they have a right to freedom of speech, first amendment, yeah i get that but how is it okay to use “b” or “w” and degrade women whereas when a man is doing the same thing he is considered a stud or the man? There really isn’t a derogatory name for a male, why is that? The only girl in class that spoke up on girls’ behalf said well maybe the girl that is being called those names only feels guilty. Maybe it is “normal” for some females to walk up to their friends and address them as a “b” or a “w”, but i know that i have no friends that walk up to me and address me that way. So freedom of speech, yeah your rights are protected, but in my opinion i think degrading women in lyrics is harmful and sociological studies back this up…

  42. I don’t think it is OK for ANY artist to degrade women. Whether it be hip-hop, jazz, rap, rock, metal, pop, or any other form of music. I think that this whole “freedom of Speech” thing is going to far. For instance, I can walk up to you and call you names, tell you how much of a worthless piece of crap you are, and completely degrade in front of everyone. Just because I CAN do something, does it mean I should? Artists do have every right to say what they say about women and violence, but SHOULD they exercise that right? I think the only reason it still happens is because society keeps degradation alive. If we, as a society, decided to take action instead of letting music blindly influence us, we would be in a whole world of recovery.

  43. It’s not morally acceptable for popular rap and hip hop artisits to denigrate women because in America, there’s supposed to be equality of the sexes, equality for all races, and equality for all peoples collectively. People defend the music and musicians which perpetrate these images because to most people, they’re just words, they’re just terms with negative connotations attached; words only impact us as much as we let them. As a society, we’re taught that words like ‘bitch’ are mean, negative, and at times deragatory; therefore, whenever this word is used in rap songs or hip hop songs, there’s automatically a negative reaction inside of other people’s minds. However, some of these more negative words have become so prevalent in our society that people have adapted to hearing them, at times even using them in casual circumstances in an attempt to lessen their negative connotation in the minds of others. If frequently used deragatory words are used, the assumption that they become ‘ok’ sets into the minds of those which are encompassed by this atmosphere. People try to say that rap and hip hop artists can portray women however they want because it’s just music, they’re just people, which they are; nobody is forcing citizens to listen to that type of music. However, those kinds of negative attitudes (not just in rap but many other medias as well)have engulfed our society and blurred the lines between what is right and what is tolerable from each other.

  44. i feel like like songs and writers have a freedom of speech. and i don’t hink anyone should be affeneded by songs if you hear people calling each others those names on a daily basis. i hear and listen to all kinds of people,groups of people, males, females. and all kinds of races call each other names. if anyone outside those groups call them the same name it is sexiest or raciest or if you call your friends and even let yourself be called names. so i feel it shouldnt be affencsive if you hear it every day through your friends and others

  45. I don’t think that rap or hip-hop artists should down-size women, but a lot of times, they are speaking from experience. Many songs are based off of personal experience. I don’t know if the artist should be that cruel in that sense, but they are just trying to show what horrible and life-changing events they had to go through. Many people like songs for the beat. Something to “Jam Out” to. They don’t care what the song says. As long as it’s got a jammin’ beat, they don’t really care. That’s why arguements draw up. People are angry for how a certain artist pertains to women, but they other side is there is a strong possibility that they haven’t paid attention to the lyrics.

  46. In no way I think that for “popular” rap and hip-hop artist to denigrate woman, due to the fact at the end of the day we are all humans, who don’t want to be disrespected. In no way are woman second-class citizens. Yet people defend this music because its so normalized and when others try to speak up about it, they don’t have the support. But what people forget is at the end of the day, rappers are going to speak their minds, and people aren’t always going to have the same outlook.

  47. I’m going to say this up-front: I am confused as to why this is still an issue with folks. This is my stance, raw and unedited: music is a form of expression. Personal expression, which is protected by the 1st Amendment. Therefore, it can say anything it wants to about anybody–male, female, or both–and shouldn’t get in trouble. If it does, we have a bigger issue on our hands.
    Second: music is part of the entertainment industry. Usually, this industry is well-known for their skewed image of reality (there are exceptions to everything, i.e., Band-Aid, documentary films, etc.), and in some music, there is a land where women are just objects. I don’t like that, so I simply don’t buy the music. So far that’s working for me.
    I’ll respect all kinds of music, and give it a shot at my eardrums if presented to me. I might not agree with what’s said in the music, but I’m open to it.

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